Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year. A New Blog.

So I've done this whole blog thing previously and to be honest, I got sick of it after a few months. I wrote some good things, I wrote some not so good (i.e. shit) things and then I sort of ran out of things to say. My life isn't the most interesting and my opinions certainly aren't the most important or groundbreaking, but I've decided that I might give it another go. Call it a New Year's Resolution I suppose, although I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions. Why set yourself goals that are just going to be broken. Seriously, how many 'resolutions' have you actually resolved to keep after a few months, weeks or even days? New Year's Resolutions are fraught with unexpected barriers from the get go. Bet you didn't realise that gym membership would cost so much. Bet you didn't think you'd have to actually not smoke at all to quit smoking. Bet you didn't realise you actually had no time at all to take that night course you always wanted to do.

I sound really bitter and pessimistic, but I'm not trying to be, honest. I just don't see why you shouldn't make resolutions to change your behaviour at other points in the year. New Year = New Life, would be the main argument for New Years Resolutions. That symbolic transition from one set of 365 days that maybe weren't so great or in which we didn't really achieve everything we had wanted to, into a new set of 365 days that have promise of greener pastures and finally realising that lifelong dream. But then the days start slipping by and you still haven't moved very much closer to what you wanted in the first place.

So, no we won't call this blog the result of some New Years Resolution. Nor will we call my recurring desire to learn the piano a New Years Resolution. It's just something I would genuinely like to do and hopefully will if I can get motivated to. 2009 was the year I fell in love and then out of love and then just got very freaking confused about women in general. 2009 was the year I suffered grief for the first time, and its not a feeling I want back anytime soon. 2009 was the year I discovered great music, films and books and in doing so expanded my artistic horizons. 2009 was the year I started a blog, packed it with crap and then gave up on it like so many other things. Even if I'm not a great believer in Resolutions as such, maybe I can get behind the whole new year, new beginning thing and aspire to be a little more steadfast in my commitments (definitely not only in regards to the blog) and aspire to be a little more adventurous in my life.

Heh, we'll see how long that lasts...