Thursday, April 22, 2010

Six Feet Under

Words can't really describe how much I'm loving this series at the moment.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My, Myself + I

Seeing a counsellor has helped me to gain confidence in myself and to see that I'm not a complete weirdo because I'm not a huge socialiser or partier.

Seems there are two different temperaments out there: extraversion and introversion. The former refers to those who are social beings, who gain energy from being in large crowds and talking and having loads of friends. Extroverts are (unfortunately :P) the majority, hence the huge emphasis on having to be out and about all the time in order to be 'successful' in our society. Introversion on the other hand, gets a lot of shit, mainly from extroverts who don't understand it.

Here's the thing: introverts (that would be me!) are not anti-social and do not generally dislike people. However, introverts do get their energy from being with themselves more than with other people. Introverts don't really do small talk (we prefer meatier conversations) and socialisation on a large scale can be a daunting experience. What comforts me is the thought that I'm not the only one out there that feels like this. A bit of research has shown that there are others out there that see the world the same way I do.

Obviously I can't just go around telling everyone 'Oh, I'm an introvert' and expect them to make exceptions for me. I get that, still I feel a lot less alienated and a bit more comfortable with myself than what I was thanks to finding this stuff out. (No, this doesn't mean I'm just shutting myself away. I am making an effort to get involved in things out of my comfort zone).